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Culture Religion Monuments Muslim Bekctashic Tekkes Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Prefecture of Xanthi Municipality of Vistonida

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Bekctashic Tekkes
Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
Municipality of Vistonida
Municipality of Komotini
Municipality of Xanthi
Municipality of Orfeas
Prefecture of Evros
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Bektashi tekke of Kütüklü Baba

Georgios Tsigaras
Source: C.E.T.I.
© Region of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace
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Location: The tekke is located in the western shore of Vistonida lake, in the middle of a large farming area (position Kalami), close to the village of Selino.
The Monument: Out of the whole tekke complex, only the octagonal türbe (mausoleum) is preserved today, while the rest of the structure has been ruined. According to the travellers of the 19th century, it must have been situated in an idyllic location in an elm forest. The türbe is a stone-built octagonal building with an elaborate masonry of local ashlar blocks, a vaulted roof and two entrances on the eastern and southern sides of the building. In the main hall, there is a tomb with totally degraded structural materials, covered with green textiles, as well as remains of destroyed bektashi symbols, such as the axe and the kiulahi (a bektashi mitre). There is a vaulted antechamber at the east entrance. Candles, incense vessels, and plastic pots reveal that the monument has been used until today as a worship and pilgrimage place for the bektashi Muslims of the area.
This tekke was most likely built over the ruins of a Christian church, as it is known that that the church of Saint George Kalamitziotes was located in the area. Various assumptions have been made over the last years about the person that is buried in the tekke and various dates have been proposed. However, it is probably a building erected by the Ottomans in the late 15th or – more likely – in the early 16th century.
Âéâëéïãñáößá: DEDE, Rumeli’nde Bırakılandar (Bati Trakya Türkleri), İstanbul 1975• Ð. Á. ÐÁÍÔÏÓ, ÉóôïñéêÞ ôïðïãñáößá ôïõ Íïìïý ÎÜíèçò. ÐñïóèÞêåò-óõìðëçñþóåéò, ÈñáêéêÜ ×ñïíéêÜ 34 (1978)• DEDE, Tarih ve memleketim, İstanbul 1984• ×. ÌÐÁÊÉÑÔÆÇÓ, ÂõæáíôéíÞ ÈñÜêç, 330-1453, ÁèÞíá 1994• Å. ×. ÆÅÃÊÉÍÇÓ, Ï Ìðåêôáóéóìüò óôç ÄõôéêÞ ÈñÜêç. ÓõìâïëÞ óôçí éóôïñßá ôçò äéáäüóåùò ôïõ Ìïõóïõëìáíéóìïý óôïí åëëáäéêü ÷þñï, Èåóóáëïíßêç 21996• Í. Ë. ÊÕÍÇÃÏÐÏÕËÏÓ, ¢ãéïò Íéêüëáïò. Ôï ìåôü÷é ôçò É. Ì. Âáôïðáéäßïõ óôï ÐïñôïëÜãïò ÎÜíèçò, Èåóóáëïíßêç 1999• Ã. ×Ñ. ÔÓÉÃÁÑÁÓ, ÔåêêÝò Êéïõôïõêëïý ÌðáìðÜ, óôï: ÈñçóêåõôéêÜ Ìíçìåßá óôï Íïìü ÎÜíèçò, åðéì. Ã. ×ñ. ÔóéãÜñáò, ÎÜíèç 2005.