Mosque of Moustafa Pasha, Genisea
Georgios Tsigaras
Source: C.E.T.I.
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Location: The mosque is located in the central square of Genisea.
The Monument: The mosque was erected in 1085/1675 by Moustafa Pasha, who was the brother-in-law and vizier of the sultan Mehmet the 4th (1648-1687). There is no information about the monument’s history. It was restored in 1958 by the Greek state, after it was partially destroyed during the second Bulgarian occupation. It is a rather small-dimensioned but elegant monument, typical of the late Ottoman architecture having an external stoa with marble columns, probably roofed by five domes.
It is possible that other similar mosques if the 15th century, like this of Prousa served as a model for the construction of this mosque. The founding inscription is situated on the impressive marble lintel of the main entrance, decorated in relief with vegetal motifs. The remarkable mihrab, made of white marble, is adorned with a simple vegetal decoration. There was probably a cemetery, which was common in mosques, judging by the several inscribed tomb slabs scattered around the monument and dating mostly from the 19th century.
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