
Mina Machairopoulou
Source: C.E.T.I.
© Eastern Macedonia - Thrace Region

An ancient fertility fest for Roma. It coincides with the celebration of St. George according to the old style calendar and it is a major event for the Roma. At the Alan Kogiou area and Anahoma, Komotini, the celebration begins with kourbania (animal sacrifices) at the yards of the houses. Then it is continued at the river and climaxing on the day of the celebration with a ghlendi with musical instruments playing till morning. The Pomaks of mountainous Rodopi, an area that stretches to the three prefectures of Thrace, celebrate with variations. Mainly young people enjoy nature by making cradles in the forest or by the rivers.

A ghlendi till morning hours at the Hederlez of Roma (Komotini)
(Photo: Mina Macheropoulou)
A ghlendi till morning hours at the Hederlez of Roma (Komotini)
(Photo: Mina Macheropoulou)
A ghlendi till morning hours at the Hederlez of Roma (Komotini)
(Photo: Mina Macheropoulou)

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