Aikaterinh Balla
Source: C.E.T.I.
© Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace |
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Handcrafted parts of flint stone were accidentally found in the location of Aghios Nikolaos, NE of the village of Rizia and south of Ardas river. The deeper layers revealed large, scaly parts recalling the flake tool type of the Middle Paleolithic Age, while those found in more recent layers resemble the blades, a tool type of the Lower Paleolithic Age.
An Early Iron Age settlement was also revealed stretching over an area of about 50 hectares. Parts of the clay floor were uncovered along with waste deposit or storage pits, pile-dwelling walls and sprigs imprinted on clay. The archaeological research brought to light a grave tumulus containing a cremation and plenty parts of amphorae, crater-shaped vessels, oenochoe, phials and cups. The greater part of the vessels has a black surface with geometric patterns and engravings on the rim, the shoulders and the handles resembling the pottery found in the tumuli and the graves at Roussa. Bone, wood and clay tools were uncovered in the area along with flint blades and clay figurines. The finds bear witness to the stable habitation of the area, which, according to the archaeologists, was inhabited in successive periods from the Paleolithic through the Bronze Age.