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Home 21 September 2024
Culture Architecture Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Prefecture of Xanthi Municipality of Avdera

The Pamouktsoglou mansion at Avdira
(Photo: CETI)
The Pamouktsoglou mansion at Avdira. Ground plan of the ground floor and the level.
(Photo: Source: E. Skarlatidou-Ì. Anagnostidis, “The Paouktsoglou family and mansion at Avdira”, Thrakika Chronika v.35, 1983. Xanthi. pp. 207-219.)

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Webpage of Xanthi’s Prefecture
Formal webpage of Xanthi’s Prefecture
Webpage of Eastern Macedonia – Thrace Region
Official webpage Eastern Macedonia – Thrace Region

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Folklore -Customs
Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
Municipality of Avdera
Municipality of Alexandroupolis
Municipality of Vistonida
Municipality of Drama
Municipality of Thasos
Municipality of Iasmos
Municipality of Komotini
Municipality of Maronia
Municipality of Metaxades
Municipality of Myki
Municipality of Xanthi
Municipality of Pangeo
Municipality of Samothraki
Municipality of Soufli
Municipality of Pheres
Municipality of Philippoi
Prefecture of Drama
Prefecture of Evros
Prefecture of Kavala
Prefecture of Xanthi
Prefecture of Rodopi
Under Construction: Subtopics All topics
Neoclassic Architecture
Traditional Architecture


Chrisa Melkidi
Source: C.E.T.I.
© Eastern Macedonia – Thrace Region
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The local architecture is a traditional Thracian one, reflecting the effort of the wealthy Christian orthodox community in the 19th century to protect itself from the dangers and conspiracies in the Ottoman period: houses communicating, with lockers and gateway channels. Characteristic sample of this architecture is the preserved chateau of Panagiotis Pamouktsoglou, a tobacco trader coming from Constantinople who settled in Avdira in the 19th century,. The Pamouktsoglou mansion is a castle, a typical Thracian one with a wide front side and an open chagiati with a yard. Crypts, hidden wells and basements with a strong stone construction were the elements that created an impregnable house (possibly around 1860-70).

Source: E. Skarlatidou-Ì. Anagnostidis, “The Paouktsoglou family and mansion at Avdira”, Thrakika Chronika v.35, 1983. Xanthi. pp. 207-219