Klidonas or Kalogiania (augury)
Mina Machairopoulou
Source: C.E.T.I.
© Eastern Macedonia - Thrace Region |
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The custom was performed at many villages of the prefecture with variations.
Lighting fires at the crossroads of the villages and towns of Thrace is usual this day along with young and old people jumping over these fires.
There is a ritual of signs at the performance of Sarakatsani who revive this custom every year. It has to do with non married women who after collecting flowers, they tie their ring with them and place them in a copper vessel. They sing the song for St. John, fill the vessel with water and when they come back to the hutches, they gother around the coppel cup and take out of the water the first flower. The girl that takes the first flower is the one that will get married soon. Then they dance, sing and offer treats to everyone attending.